Christmas 2006



(Brian Kolm)

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Once again the extended Kolm family came to Saratoga for Christmas Day. My brother's were at their in-law's this year, but the rest of us still enjoyed the day together. Thanks to Rick, Jackie, and Brian for the photos!


(Jackie Kolm)

Dave, Eileen, Rich

(Rich Kolm)


Chris, Ben


(Rich Kolm)

Dave and Jim chatting

(Rich Kolm)




(Rich Kolm)

(Rich Kolm)

Jackie, Eileen, Jim




(Rich Kolm)

(Jackie Kolm)

Alex demonstrating his game console

The brothers


(Rich Kolm)

(Rich Kolm)

Settlers of Catan was popular, but took a long time

Debbie, Ken, JD


(Rich Kolm)

(Rich Kolm)

Chris, Brian

Chris wondering how Lauren can win every time if she doesn't cheat...


(Brian Kolm)

John and JD - we were happy to see John again

(Brian Kolm)


Alex and Kathleen at play