April 2009
I wanted to see if Yahoo DSL was available in a certain location. I went to dsl.yahoo.com and was redirected to this page:
Great. I selected ATT as my home provider and got to this page:
That's not so good. I thought I should let Yahoo know about this. Hah! I could find no links to report any kind of problem to them. I searched the help facility for "contact" and found this page:
Seems good. I clicked the contact button and answered several questions. Then clicked again and got this:
Sorry indeed. Screw it. I think Comcast offers high speed service in the area.
Jim Schrempp is a sometimes freelance writer (only Vanity Press will publish his work) living in Saratoga, California. His writings have appeared on numerous pages on his own web site. The opinions expressed in this piece are those of the writer and do not necessarily represent those of anyone else (although Jim wishes more people shared his opinions)